Check Out The Epic New King Gizzard & The Lizard Wizard Track “Head On/Pill”

King Gizzard and The Lizard Wizard - Head On Pill

King Gizzard & The Lizard Wizard are back with the brand new face melter, “Head On/Pill.” “Head On/Pill” is a 16 minute journey broken up between two psychedelic fueled passages. The track starts off slow and spaced out before mutating into an all out manic monster for the rest of the song. If you ever wanted to know what it feels like to travel through wormholes, this is your best bet. King Gizzard have showcased a lot of versatility in their songwriting, where their last album, Eyes Like The Sky was basically the soundtrack to a spaghetti western film. If “Head On/Pill” is any indication of things to come, then I’m all on board.

Their third album Float Along – Fill Your Lungs, which includes “Head On/Pill,” is set to release sometime later this year.

King Gizzard & The Lizard Wizard – Head On/Pill by flightless

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